Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Hardcore Kids Club

Hatespeech or S-X-E
Rebellion begets conformity.
Athiests and Straightedge kids
tell us all what you believe.
I've heard you all quote Minor Threat
and cover that straight-edge song.
My money's on they hate it.
Punk rock - Ur doing it wrong.

The end of decades of getting pissed,
is unwritten laws and exclusive cliques?
Volcom Stone hats and Krew Skinny jeans.
You're all the same, but H-X-C!
Keep telling me how you don't believe,
what I believe is worth this scene.
Your scene is shit,
we'll burn it down.
We'll bring it
beneath the ground,
and choke it
where you've stroked it.
We'll cut it
where you've kissed it.

You blame God for the day to day,
in the most unoriginal way.
You're helplessly in love,
with your ability to hate.
So more hardcore points for the vinyls
and the girls you take home to,
further deprived from the love
nobody ever gave to you.
Well there exists a love that's true,
Helplessly in love with you.

But to the cliques and the scene
and the meaningless chants,
to the white tees, fifty-nine fifties.
The popularity contests dance.
This lack of thought,
we're calling it out:

We love the kids,
but hate this shit.

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