Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Hardcore Kids Club

Hatespeech or S-X-E
Rebellion begets conformity.
Athiests and Straightedge kids
tell us all what you believe.
I've heard you all quote Minor Threat
and cover that straight-edge song.
My money's on they hate it.
Punk rock - Ur doing it wrong.

The end of decades of getting pissed,
is unwritten laws and exclusive cliques?
Volcom Stone hats and Krew Skinny jeans.
You're all the same, but H-X-C!
Keep telling me how you don't believe,
what I believe is worth this scene.
Your scene is shit,
we'll burn it down.
We'll bring it
beneath the ground,
and choke it
where you've stroked it.
We'll cut it
where you've kissed it.

You blame God for the day to day,
in the most unoriginal way.
You're helplessly in love,
with your ability to hate.
So more hardcore points for the vinyls
and the girls you take home to,
further deprived from the love
nobody ever gave to you.
Well there exists a love that's true,
Helplessly in love with you.

But to the cliques and the scene
and the meaningless chants,
to the white tees, fifty-nine fifties.
The popularity contests dance.
This lack of thought,
we're calling it out:

We love the kids,
but hate this shit.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Heart of the Problem

Throughout the body moves phlegm and spit,
and out of the mouth, pourreth out vomit.
What's been accelerated through discolored veins
by a beating heart sustaining them stained.

Break the ribs and chew it out,
it's gone on for far too long.
No longer pounding and beating it's drum
now quivering inside religious curriculum
this insect's shell, this inward hell.
Remove it with claws and teeth,
remove it.

Without room to turn outside
I turn inside to cower and hide,
from the hollowness of other life,
the unholy wandering circular strife.

Break these walls and set it free,
oh God, set me free eternally.
Free me to love
you first than me,
but before me the rest of humanity.
I'd Love you if I had room,
but my love for myself fills my body,
this tomb.
Remove it with claws and teeth,
remove it.
Forgive me
Remove it,
remove me.

And in grade school you were the best friend
then we learn words and our social begins,
so you crawl inside a cocoon
and comes out in parties and Sunday school rooms.
When I got old enough to tell,
it was all a joke, they scared me with hell.
And Your love has always been here.
Perfect love will drive out fear.

The heart of the problem is my love for me
and how I use you to bring it all peace.
The fear, the guilt, the moths, the rust,
the provisions we grow into turning to trust.
This blood that's flowing through me
being forced from a heart that's diseased.
Remove it.
Remove me.
I'm yours
I'm done.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Your patriots
are full of it.
Martyrs for a cause,
that nobody believes.

If GI Joe,
were a true hero
his name would just
be Joe,
he wouldn't be dressed
in red or green.
So lets take off our
and go.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Star Destroyer pt. 1

1. Starshit Enterprise

They made a show for you,
because the movies weren't
good enough.
They have to keep making
new ones.
Your hero is a joke
with no abilitiesexcept comedic writing,
and he killed his wife.
A jedi wouldn't waste his
time on that nobody.
The milennium falcon
your piece of shit.

2. Midichlorians

I was behind you in line
for the academy.
I heard them tell you,
that you were too strong.
They weren't going to train
I knew what they knew.
The anger you displayed,
proved everything they told you.
And you said you were legend.
The greatest knight to walk
the moons.
I agreed because, I knew
that you
had the potential to
make it true.
But you had to go back,
you had to turn back.
Though your midichlorians were off the chart
they are no match for my jedi heart.
Though your potential may be off the chart,
its never a match for honest heart.

3. XOrdering a Blue Milk at the CantinaX

(My friend doesn't like you...I don't like you either)

Your friend doesn't like me,
and I don't like your friend.
You are both poison to society
means to our planet's ends.

So step back
because I'm clean
I'm thinking clear
my mind is straight,
my prowess focused.
Without your voice,
you might have not thought
to do me harm.
But you took a drink
of pollution
and now you'll lose your arm.

4. Yes on No Confidence

Vote yes,
our regents evil.
He resembles the oppressor
and he'll bury us with
an iron fist.
A death star awaits.
Surrender liberty,
for protection.
In what day and age,
has the galactic senate
abandoned its reason?
And you can have me hauled away
but not before I say,
this will be the end of freedom.
The beginning for the weak
to rule over patriots.
Am I to bear the rebel's cross?
Is hope lost?
Or does the force align,
to bring us hope in evil times?
A young boy in the desert sun,
could he be the one?

5. Tusken Pyre (An Exercise in Jedi Bloodlust)


(Men of sand, to sand, return)

6. Who's on the Dark Side Now?

I didn't kill your father son,
and I could never kill you.
You never knew your father,
you never knew the truth.
Everything you've learned about him
was a filthy fucking lie.
There's more than good and evil,
your father never died.
Kenobi's told you he wad dead,
so that you wouldn't hear -
That all men are the same inside
whatever masks they wear.
Some carry honesty,
others bear deceit.
Your righteous friends
will twist your head,
until men are no longer men
but beasts.
Everybody born with the spark
of life is a great fire.
Kenobi and I we used to burn
the landscape with our pyre.
Now he'll tell you, we're the flames,
and the jedi are the needed water.
But what good alive could ever keep
a son from his hurting father?
Luke, I am your father.
Who's on the dark side now?

7. Trilogies

8. My Sad Devotion to that Ancient Religion.

(...I find your lack of faith disturbing)

And though, I know.
You think it holds us back.
The data tapes are lost for good,
we never even saw the pod.
You blame my devotion to an ancient
Saying that it doesn't work today,
And what was lost in outer space,
can not be found.
But as I close my hands to pray,
your choking off the tears
from another day.
Your sadness is shutting
shutting off your airway.

Your focused on the data,
you've forgotten why we're here.
We're more than conquerors,
you've forgotten why we're here.
With a well-times blow, we'll rule,
without our emperor's approval.
We hunt down the foxes in our gardens
and our moons.
The rebels and the ewoks
and the politicians too.
This ancient religion,
is the reason we're alive.
Your lack of faith got us here
the force to save our lives.
(And even though my sad devotion to this ancient religion has failed to conjure up the stolen data tapes.)
It's failed to conjure
thoughts of suicide,
broken hearts,
wasted youth,
and empty lives!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The full, uneducated stomach

College education
makes me laugh.

You are a sheep,
but not a sheep
for good.
So drop out,
pull the collar off.

Or you'll be run
like a greyhound,
after the rabbit
constructed from
wood and fabric.
The day you can
no longer run.
You'll die alone
in a large home.
But having never
learned a thing.

So throw one back
and smoke one up,
and count the many
ones that will never
add up
to anything more
than one.
Or didn't they tell you
to add like this.
That you're alive
because you care,
what so many think.
so who's buying tonight's
Money from
mom and dad
who sent you here.
You left suburbia
to come here.
Turn into replications
of your parents,
and your friends.
Or what you call
your friends.
Who would stay with
you to the end.
But they hate you,
and they're fake.
You'll find this out
They'll leave you
when you need them
but it's not their fault
they just never

So greyhound,
keep running
because this track never gets shorter.
And that rabbit never stops,
someday, you might get luckier
and catch that motherfucker.
Wooden bones
and cotton steak,
beneath your polished teeth
it breaks.
Choke down your prey
oh predator.
You've earned it,
so learn it.