Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Spider

Coagulation, a ball of blood had been rolled in the throat of Adam and Eve who were entwined beneath the large cocoon. As the two blessed the carnal, the cocoon which had been growing slowly for as long as it had been a part of existence, began a subtle, creaky expansion. Without fair warning, whatsoever, a vile filthy aperture began to appear in the spindled surface of the dripping sack suspended above the two
The aperture began to grow at a rate, contrasting the speed at which the cocoon had grown from the size of a mustard seed to the volume of a thunder cloud, at which is currently held itself.
As hands tightened, and lungs flexed the cocoon began to fall away, in sheets too thin to reflect any light and they were hardly seen by the distracted couple beneath then. In its wake a giant black form hung ominously from the same existent thread the cocoon was once suspended from, and the once believed magnificence of the pod was diminished as it floated to the ground in sheets that were thinner than the outer most layer of human skin.
In the now black statue that hung, two yellow bulbs became visible like a far off automobile turning on its headlights, and the eliptical form of the beastly shape grew with a portrusion of eight hairy appendages, the thickness of a sidewalk or a treetrunk each. The bulbs had now focussed downward, and as the head segment dramatically began to loom over the two, the legs planted themselves on the cold carpet, surrounding the pair in a cage of black hair and bone. The more furiously humanity moved, the larger the creature grew in relative view for it was only getting closer, as it lingered over them, the once solid form now three solid forms and eight tree trunks began to salivate at what it knew was in its immediate future.
Without so much as a gasp, the humanity was torn from itself by the jaws of the Spider, leaving only a stain of blood, the cocoon shedding became moist in.
The blood dried,
we keep moving.

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